
The contest

The competition runs for 50 weeks - opening on 1st January 2024 and closing on Sunday 15th December 2024. This allows time to rack my brain for closing words and appoint a successor, or at the very least time to pack my bags and flee the country should I have a giant backlog of games to review :)

The competition is open to games written for Sinclair computers and DNA relatives. Sadly I don't have a cave full of historical computing devices. All games will be tested on emulators, if you are submitting a game written for an extremely obscure Sinclair relative, please assist with providing details of an emulator that can run it and any necessary loading instructions if not the usual loading routine. Also please specify the machine the game is designed for to save me having to try to guess.

All games will be uploaded to where they will be available to download free of charge and also submitted to the ZXDB database.


Since the contest is titled C.S.S.C.G.C I believe the winning program should be a game, unless, heaven forbid, the other letters of the contest title get ignored and C64 titles start to arrive. And yet, I don't want to stifle the creative effluence of Sinclair users. 

As a result, there will be two winners:

The first will be the author of the crappiest game who will be the winner of C.S.S.C.G.C in the truest sense.

The other will be the winner of the crappiest non-game.

There may be a prize for these categories depending on my whims.

The least crap game definitely wins a prize, the prize of being next year's host!

All scoring is the result of my own personal idiosyncrasies. While you are welcome to point out how rubbish, biased, and plain wrong my reviews are, there are no guarantees that I will amend them.

Please note that while I have reviewed an early entry the competition will begin officially as the bells of Big Ben are ringing in the New Year. Entries sent before that date will be reviewed, but not published beforehand.

Rules updated 15/01/2024 to reflect the status of non-games.


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