Word Crane - Equinox

 After a day trying to recover a server with a failed raid array there is only one way to relax and that is by reviewing the latest CGC entry.

First impressions are good, the intro screen has restrained use of colour (no flash) and fairly clear instructions.

After pressing Enter the good impressions continue.

First and foremost is the beautiful representation of a crane, the letters appear in the squares at the bottom with appropriate beeps. Error checking appears in order.

So far not too crap at all. It is only once you start to play properly that the true crapness of the game gets revealed and due to the effort Equinox has put into this, I won't ruin it by saying any more.

Technical Ability - 55%

Written in BASIC, but that is pretty much to be expected. Colour is used to a pleasing effect and sound  is used well. Though there is no loading screen, the game doesn't really need one. That crane is a masterpiece.

Achievement - 95%

This game is very deliberately crap, though it does raise a smile.

Fun - 0%

You won't play twice.

Crap Factor - 101%

Truly crap, but it is as nature (or Equinox) intended.


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