Sweary Hangman - Lee Prince


Cockwomble. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. Since playing the latest submission I've come over something of a sweary Mary.

Lee Prince has taken the wholesome family game of hang man, (where you innocently attempt to execute someone for the crime of failing to guess a word) and thrown a dark, expletive laden, twist in to the mix by populating the game with nothing but swear words.

To be honest I am not sure how much of this game Lee has actually coded, as I'm pretty sure he's taken a pre existing type-in and simply changed the array of pre defined words. The twist being that all Lee's words are rather blue.

Expecting four letter words, I thought this would be easy, but not so. Some of the swearwords are quite obscure.

Naturally, I gave this game to my 11 year old, and he had no idea what a cockwomble was. That didn't stop him enjoying the game though. Give him the opportunity to legally type swearwords into an old computer and suddenly the zx spectrum is the best thing ever. Well, for a good ten minutes at least.

Technical Achievement

The game has no loading screen, which is a shame. There are some limited sound effects and a little beeper tune, which adds to the fun. The man who is hanged is well drawn, however, I suspect this is from the original listing and not Lee's own work.

The one thing Lee did was add the swearwords. And there is where the issue lies. At least one word (cockwomble) is not programmed correctly and, as a result is impossible to guess.

As seen in the screen shot above, the game is still expecting an additional letter, after I was unfairly hung by the neck until dead, despite guessing the word correctly.

Utter cockwomble.


Fun 30%

Yes. Typing swearwords in to computers never gets old.

Technical Achievement 12%

a shameless rip off of an older type in.

Crap factor 50% 

the one thing Lee did is the bit that is slightly broken.

Fun for a short time. 

Try it here.

Ed Additions

Where was this game in the 80's? It would have been a hit. I was lulled by my first word being one of the harsher 4 letter words, which meant I struggled on the next which was bumsex. The switch from Adult level swear words to 5 year old swearing was an unexpected curve ball.

I was surprised that the review said there wasn't a loading screen, the specialised loader grabbed my attention when I tried this out. My randomized selection of words didn't include cockwomble so I would have missed this bug. The hangman image is just great.


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