Pancake - jj52

 The accompanying email provides a promising start

"Pancakes are taking over the earth, smash them into oblivion"

So does it live up to its early promise? Sadly no. The game starts in a familiar fashion by not autorunning. 

After running I have Deja Vu, for a moment I think I am back in 'cmpltly awsme bgl simlater'. The screen presents me with a circle and 2 dots.


With no idea what to do I press a key. A small UDG appears presumably a pancake smasher.

From then on I get inputs which I seem to be able to type anything into and the program progresses via mournful beeping to being told I have smashed 3 pancakes.

Whatever I enter the game resets.

Technical Ability - 8.1%

The program listing is a mystery, lines 20 to 60 are superfluous, and line 146 gives me 2 chances to end the game without even starting. There is no game just a series of empty inputs leading me towards the end.

Achievement - 2.9%

It runs and does something.

Fun - 7%

I enjoyed 2 minutes of reading the listing.

Crap Factor - 92.1%



Pros -
  • It runs, with a little help.
Cons -
  • It runs
Pro tip:

SAVE "PAMCAKE" LINE 10. This will auto-run the program starting from line 10. Alternatively, if programming in BASin you can use the Properties option in the Tape Image Builder to add an auto start line number. Just as there is more than one way to smash a pancake, there are more than just these two options to get programs autorunning.

Remember I play these games so you don't have to. Should you play this game I bear no responsibility for your mental health afterwards. Should the warnings not be enough you can download and play it here.


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