Coffee Drinker - jj52

 Where to start with this one? With the email might be a good start

"As a critical asset of our lives, coffee is a mainstay. But if we drink too on.

As stated in the REM, I was going to use the Ringo R470 but the keyboard is a nightmare to use."

Comments in a REM statement only become useful if you can load the program. My trusty friend Tapir tells me the TZX file is created in Eighty-One so that if the emulator I'm going to use.

Loading using Ringo-470 doesn't appear to do anything. ZX81 does nothing, Lambda 8300 at least gives me a semi-listing, but doesn't run

TK85, Jupiter Ace, Timex TS1000, and Spectrum 16K, all refuse to load. Time to move on.

If you wish to try your hand at playing Guess the correct host computer you can download the file here.


  1. sorry about that. I will try to fix the program when I'm not busy


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